• standard bath

    Standard Bath Package

    (Rough time estimates - does NOT apply to difficult behavioral cases)

    Small dogs: 45min - 1hr

    Medium dogs: 1hr - 1.5hr

    Large dogs: 1.5hr - 2hr


    This bath package starts with a tearless facial wash, and a thorough tooth brushing. This is followed by a two-step shampoo treatment. The initial cleansing wash is to remove debris and oils from the skin, and to open up the hair follicles. After the primary wash, anal glands are inspected and expressed if needed. The second shampoo treatment is a conditioning shampoo to moisturize and replenish your pet’s coat. After a preliminary dry we apply a conditioning spray and cleanse their ears with a holistic ear cleaning solution. The bath is finished with a blowout and nail trim.

  • long hair bath

    Long Hair Bath Package

    (Rough time estimates - does NOT apply to difficult behavioral cases)

    Small dogs: 1.5hr - 2hr

    Medium dogs: 2hr - 2.5hr

    Large dogs: 2.5hr - 3.5hr


    This bath package includes the same treatment as the Standard Bath Package, and includes additional brushing and trimming around the face, feet and sanitary areas to keep longer coats neat.

  • de-shed bath

    De-Shed Bath Package

    (Rough time estimates - does NOT apply to difficult behavioral cases)

    Small dogs: 1hr - 1.5hr

    Medium dogs: 1.5hr - 2hr

    Large dogs: 2hr - 2.5hr

    Extra Large dogs: 2.5hr - 3.5hr


    For double-coated breeds the De-Shed package includes the same services as the Standard Bath package, and adds a three-step de-shed process after a blowout. The undercoat is removed using a combination of different rakes and combs.

  • cat bath

    Cat Bath Package

    1 - 2.5 hours estimate


    Our Cat Bath Service is the perfect way to keep your feline friend looking and feeling their best! We provide a full range of services, including a gentle, relaxing bath, brushing, nail trimming, and ear cleaning. Our experienced groomers will handle your cat with the utmost care and patience, ensuring a positive experience for both you and your pet. We use only the highest quality shampoos and conditioners tailored to your cat's individual needs. With our Cat Bath Package, you can rest assured that your cat will look and feel their best!

Pounds Standard Bath Long Hair Bath De-Shed Bath
0-15 $60 $75 $75
15-30 $65 $80 $80
30-45 $70 $85 $85
45-60 $80 $95 $95
60-75 $85 $105 $105
75-90 $90 $115 $115
90-105 $100 $120 $120
105-120 $110 $125 $125
120 & up $120 $135 $135


*prices subject to change depending on special handling fees

Additional Services Price
Anal gland & nail trim $30
Anal glands $20
Nail trim $20
Face, feet & sanitary trim $15
Extra Deshed $15
Dematting $15
Outline Trim $15
Dematting/Brushing (15 min) $15
Dematting/Brushing (30 min) $30

*prices subject to change depending on special handling fees

Add-On Bath Treatments

Add-On Additional Price
Flea/medicated 0-20lbs +$15
Flea/medicated 20-40lbs +$15
Flea/medicated 40-60lbs +$20
Flea/medicated 60-80bs +$20
Flea/medicated 80-100bs +$25